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Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Yes, love is a choice. You choose who to love. It does not just happen. You can make it happen.
Love is active. You can create it as you focus on the good in another person. If you can do this easily, you will love easily. Personal love develops over the years. But seeing goodness is the beginning.
By focusing on the good, you can love almost anyone.
Now that you know what love is all about, you need to ask yourself: Am I really in love with the person I am in a relationship with? Or am I just infatuated?
How can I tell I am in love? These are important questions to be answered by you. a lot of singles conclude too soon that they are in love. How do you know if you are in love? You must be sure about this in your relationship so that you won’t think you are in love and in the real sense you are not Yours


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