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Monday, June 15, 2020

Girls, may your flesh not hand you over to evil wise men!

Dear Mummy Temilolu, this is to say a million thanks to you for your timely intervention in my life through your articles! I had been stumbling on your articles for some time but would rather ignore them because I was just addicted to sex even with all my fasting and praying. However, one day i couldn’t take my eyes off one of your beautiful posts on Facebook and since then not only have I become hooked to reading your articles-the power of God has taken over my life and I’m free from the bondage of sexual immorality! I’d be 22 next Friday and I’m so happy I will start this new beginning with God beside me and wonderful mentors like you! Please continue to bless us ma! I’m grateful to have you in my life! 

My darling, precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly celebrated Nigerian sisters.

In the last 2 weeks, I’ve been discussing reasons why premarital sex could be very destructive to anyone’s destiny especially with the devil holding the reins of such life! Here’s another major reason!

Girls…girls…girls, when I insist you’re better off preserving your virginity till marriage I know what I’m talking about! it’s to safeguard your destiny to start with and not to please your future spouse! Too many bright stars have had their glorious destinies massacred by the evil wise men of their families who have seen their glorious stars and cashed in on their spiritual dullness and powerlessness occasioned by sexual immorality! This may be the reason why some of your older cousins who started out so well in life, may be leaving very unstable, frustrated and unfulfilled lives today even begging from you to eat!!!

I’ve said over and over again that premarital sex opens up your life to demonic invasion! It weakens you spiritually because you’re defiling God’s temple and allowing strange spirits from multiple sexual partners into your destiny. The transference of one foul spirit in your destiny could delay you for years in the valley of life. Now can you imagine what happens when you’re bombarded with satanic arrows organized by the enemy to derail your life’s journey and stop you from shinning?

Hmm… Do you know the type of star you carry? Do you know what it would entail to manifest, do you know the quantum of spiritual power you need to fight your way through?

If you’re still a virgin-untouched, uncontaminated and still you’re very original, I congratulate you! However, if you’ve been engaging in premarital sex, in your own interest, I advise you to put a final stop to it and ensure you at least go for a deliverance! Yes please! You never know the wonderful wonders god has planned for you in 2020! How can you even see them when your spirit has been clogged with filth and gross darkness? (1 Cor.2:9-11, 1 Peter 2:11).Those strange spirits would ensure you’re delayed, they could attract the wrong spouse into your life- one which would conclude the evil works the devil has commissioned in your life! Someone’s ill-luck could be affecting you and strangulating your opportunities-glorious golden opportunities that could change your life forever!

Some pastors would tell you there’s no need for deliverance as old things have passed away after becoming Born-again. Says who? You who can’t stop living a sinful life after several altar calls, you who won’t read the Bible till you get to your 1hr Sunday service and so on! Which power do you have to fight and receive what god has planned? Even if you’ve stopped fornicating, you still need that deliverance session to ignite your spirit and give you fire to fly! This is a very serious matter! Are you not tired of being stagnant in one spot? Aren’t you tired of inexplicable hardships and failure at the edge of breakthrough and constant heartbreaks? Hmmm…

I pray for you, the Lord will be with you like a mighty warrior, so your persecutors will stumble and not prevail. May He visit you in your dreams tonight and give you just one information that would change your life forever and skyrocket your destiny in Jesus mighty name!


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