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Monday, February 22, 2010

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Who's the next Michael Jackson... Should Chris get the crown?
Even though Michael Jackson's achievements and iconic status in the industry can never be duplicated, Swizz Beatz shared with us who he thinks could potentially be the next best thing to the King Of Pop. The producer explained that Chris Brown is coming awfully close to MJ status. "Chris Brown is talented man. You know to me he's the closest thing as a dancer in our industry as Michael. You know I would definitely say that especially after seeing the tribute that he did for Michael, I was like 'Wow.' You know there are probably people in this world that could dance better than him but as far as right now in the industry, he got that for sure." Head over to"chrisbrownworld"to see the singer's best performances.


  1. Yes, i think he should go 4 it. Since he dance like him... For me i think he should go for the crown.


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