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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

#DearPussyCat : Every human with a VAGINA needs to see this and READ it real FAST!

Warning| I see the Vagina as the holy of the holies, the secret chamber of nature's goodness, and the reproductive GATE of mankind. This post is not in any way to look down on its richness but to flog some cats who think that their pussy represents their value to a man. Read with an open mind and focus on my perspective.

Your VALUE to a man isn't tied to your VAGINA. Stop acting like there's something special you did for him by giving him the different versions of your sex operating system.

The last time I checked, when a man finds a woman, he's supposed to find FAVOUR, not pussy.

The world is filled with billions of VAGINAS but very few WOMEN of VALUE.

No girl/lady/woman has the right to boast or flaunt her voluptuous booty or brag about her sexy pussy online or in the clubs.

Do you know why?

Your vagina is a FOLLOW-COME PACKAGE, it's God's gift to you. You didn't contribute anything to have it. But, to become a woman will COST you a thing.

The value you have to give to a man comes from what it has to cost you to become a woman. The quality of your mindset and skillsets. It takes a lot of emotional, mental, spiritual, social, and even financial development to become a woman.

Having a vagina is not proof of womanhood. It's only a reminder that you're female sex.

You are not allowed to enter into a man's life as just a female. You are to grow a WOMAN out of your female sexuality before you can be qualified to have a man in your life.

What an average female has to offer a man is her VAGINA, but a woman offers him VALUE.

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Your PUSSY is worthless if the only thing it can achieve is to sap a man's mental and spiritual strength.

To have the mindset that your guy who's NOT married to you, should always give you MONEY because you give him your body is to classify yourself as a pay-for-play girl.

To use sex to manipulate your guy in order to get him to do something for you makes you pathetic and barefaced desperado.

If any man can BUY your body with a recharge card, birthday gift, financial assistance, etc, you are a certified cheap commodity.

Every woman is worth more than naira notes and dollar bills. Every woman is GOLD to be treasured. Don't reduce your worth because of pecuniary pressures or filthy lure.

Am I communicating? 
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